David K Wiggs-%22Morning light-Big swell and guys on the point-Dee Why-Plein air%22-90cm x 150cm-$7200.jpeg
David K Wiggs-Regrowth-North Head To The Northern Beaches and Beyond-Plein air-90cm x 180cm-$8000.jpeg
David K Wiggs-Watercolour January crowd-Freshwater-Plein air-80cm x 110cm Including mount and frame under glass-$3000.jpeg
David K Wiggs-%22February Crowd-Freshwater-Plein air-120cm x 150cm Including mount and frame under glass-$7300.jpeg
Ibis and Brush turkey at The Aquarium stairs-Taronga Zoo-Plein air.jpg
David K Wiggs-%22Cloudy day crowd and the pink Flamingo-Freshwater-Plein air%22-75cm x 85cm Includin mount and frame under glass-$2000.jpeg
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