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Paintings by Jaimee Paul inspired by ocean documentary ‘The Map to Paradise’ produced by BlueBottle Films.
When Art and Film Collide - Paintings inspired by ocean documentary The Map To Paradise produced by BlueBottle Films.
Jaimee Paul creates 'art for purpose' to raise awareness for the most threatened species on the planet. Learn about her process and an upcoming exhibition featuring painting inspired by the film 'The Map To Paradise'.
This video 🎥 is made by: https://grumpyturtledesign.com/ | Featuring footage 🎞 courtesy of www.thatmaptoparadise.com | Original music 🎶 by Emmy award-winning composer Daniel Clive Mccallum.
Paintings by Jaimee Paul inspired by ocean documentary ‘The Map to Paradise’ produced by BlueBottle Films.
When Art and Film Collide - Paintings inspired by ocean documentary The Map To Paradise produced by BlueBottle Films.
Jaimee Paul, our 'Art For Purpose' animal painter is busy in the studio getting ready for her next solo exhibition titled 'Bigger Than Us'. The exhibition features paintings inspired by b-roll stills captured during the filming of 'The Map To Paradise’. The film was premiered at the Santa Barbara film festival this year, leading to actor and activist Martin Sheen sign on as Executive Producer. Visit their website to see a screening near you or share with a fellow ocean lover. .
‘The Map To Paradise’ takes you on a journey of positive stories of humanity. The movie follows individuals with dreams to #RestoreParadise and #KeepPlacesWild and documents how their actions, however small, are making a difference. The filmmakers (local to the Northern Beaches) traveled to Antarctica, Palau, the Philippines, Greece, Monterey Bay on the Californian coast and our very own Great Barrier Reef to document their stories and capture this wonderful world we live.
Jaimee’s ‘Bigger Than Us’ exhibition will inspire and surprise you, with her colour pallet extending past her signature black and white and expanding her horizons. To keep in touch with Jaimee as she develops her work you can follow her on Instagram where she will share process and works in progress.
A word from Jaimee
After I saw The Map to Paradise, it made me feel hopeful, because I could see evidence and stories about people who were putting purpose before profit Such as #keepplaceswild #restoreparadise Bluebottle Films
I am donating 10% of profits to the grassroots film for the outreach program, going into schools and regional areas. #artforpurpose
Opening night Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2282878261997971/
You can buy ticket to see the film at Collaroy Cinema on May 15th with a Q&A after. Tickets will sell out fast!https://www.facebook.com/events/386782952050615/
“The possibility of change rests on our own ability to believe that we can do it.”
Art, film and photography speak a universal langue, connecting deep with audiences. This solo exhibition by Jaimee Paul titled ‘Bigger Than Us’ is part of being that Pied Piper of positive change, continuing to spread the filmmakers work, but in a different way – showing the wonder that is so worth fighting for, thought art.
“I believe art has the power to connect with the viewer on another lever, to see into the soul of a being and care. Like they never mightn’t otherwise. “ - Paul
10% of profits from the exhibition will be donated to the grass roots film to help spread their story far and wide. A story of hope, of human resilience to not give up on what you believe in and in the future health of our oceans.
From where we stand
a group exhibition by
Location – Sydney Road Gallery, 561 – 563 Sydney road, Seaforth, 2092
opening hours: Thursday – Saturday 10am – 4pm and Sundays 9am - 12pm Thursday evening 6 – 8pm